About Us

Southern Psychiatry Associates LLC is a group of physicians and therapists who want to help treat mental illness. We are aware that coming to see someone to improve your mental health can be an anxiety provoking endeavor. Often good therapists and psychiatrists are hard to find or have long wait periods before being able to see patients. Patients may worry about confidentiality. At SPA we want to provide you with a confidential, thorough diagnosis, evaluation and treatment that will help you succeed.

Dr. Sadler did his residency training at the prestigious Johns Hopkins hospital and in addition to being proficient in treating general Psychiatric disorders: Anxiety/ADHD/Depression/Schizophrenia/Bipolar Disorder, he also has years of experience working in Addiction Psychiatry on the inpatient unit at Sheppard Pratt Hospital in Baltimore. Dr. Sadler does has his Suboxone waiver and can evaluate and treat patients for opiate addiction as well as all other types of addiction. In addition, Dr. Sadler specializes in the treatment of sexual disorders, working both with the court system and private patients.


Addiction Medicine

Addiction can be a crippling disorder for the patient. At SPA we are able to effectively diagnose and treat addiction. We use a multimodal approach with both medicines and therapy designed to help patient’s get their lives back on track. We are able to diagnose and treat any underlying Psychiatric illness that may also complicate the addiction picture.

  • Suboxone therapy
  • Alcohol Use Disorders
  • Outpatient detox options available
  • Anti-craving medicines
  • Other forms of addiction
  • Therapy options available

General Psychiatry

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Major Depression and other depressive illnesses
  • Bipolar disorders and other disorders of mood
  • Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
  • Attention Deficit Disorder

Sexual Disorders:

At Southern Psychiatry we realize that sexual health is an important part of one’s lifestyle. Patients may have relational problems, gender issues or sexual disorder that have affected family or even the law. Dr. Sadler has significant forensic experience in this area of Psychiatry.

Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Health

Dr. Sadler MD has extensive interest and experience in helping patients with a healthier lifestyle. The link is clear obesity can negatively affect mental health. At SPA we have vast experience in medicines, nutrition and therapy to help patients become healthier and more physically fit to improve their quality of life and mental health.
